
quaterion.eval.accumulators.pair_accumulator module

class PairAccumulator[source]

Bases: Accumulator

Accumulate embeddings, labels, pairs and subgroups for pair-based tasks.

Keep track of current size to properly handle pairs.


Reset accumulator state

Reset accumulator status and size, accumulated embeddings, labels, pairs and subgroups

update(embeddings: Tensor, labels: Tensor, pairs: LongTensor, subgroups: Tensor, device=None)[source]

Update accumulator state.

Move provided embeddings and groups to proper device and add to accumulated state.

  • embeddings – embeddings to accumulate

  • labels – labels to distinguish similar and dissimilar objects.

  • pairs – indices to determine objects of one pair

  • subgroups – subgroups numbers to determine which samples can be considered negative

  • device – device to store calculated embeddings and groups on.

property labels

Concatenate list of labels to Tensor

Help to avoid concatenating labels for each batch during accumulation. Instead, concatenate it only on call.


torch.Tensor – batch of labels

property pairs: LongTensor

Concatenate list of pairs to Tensor

Help to avoid concatenating pairs for each batch during accumulation. Instead, concatenate it only on call.


torch.Tensor – batch of pairs

property state: Dict[str, Tensor]

Accumulated state


Dict[str, torch.Tensor] - dictionary accumulates embeddings, labels, pairs, subgroups.

property subgroups

Concatenate list of subgroups to Tensor

Help to avoid concatenating subgroups for each batch during accumulation. Instead, concatenate it only on call.


torch.Tensor – batch of subgroups


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