
Source code for quaterion.train.trainable_model

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from quaterion_models import SimilarityModel
from quaterion_models.encoders import Encoder
from quaterion_models.heads import EncoderHead
from quaterion_models.types import TensorInterchange
from torch import Tensor

from quaterion.dataset import SimilarityDataLoader
from quaterion.dataset.train_collator import TrainCollator
from quaterion.eval.attached_metric import AttachedMetric
from quaterion.loss import GroupLoss, SimilarityLoss
from quaterion.train.cache import CacheConfig, CacheType
from quaterion.train.cache_mixin import CacheMixin
from quaterion.train.xbm import XbmConfig
from quaterion.train.xbm.xbm_buffer import XbmBuffer
from quaterion.utils.enums import TrainStage

[docs]class TrainableModel(pl.LightningModule, CacheMixin): """Base class for models to be trained. TrainableModel is used to describe how and which components of the model should be trained. It assembles model from building blocks like :class:`~quaterion_models.encoders.encoder.Encoder`, :class:`~quaterion_models.heads.encoder_head.EncoderHead`, etc. .. code-block:: none ┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌─────────┐ │Encoder 1│ │Encoder 2│ │Encoder 3│ └────┬────┘ └────┬────┘ └────┬────┘ │ │ │ └────────┐ │ ┌────────┘ │ │ │ ┌───┴──┴──┴───┐ │ concat │ └──────┬──────┘ ┌──────┴──────┐ │ Head │ └─────────────┘ TrainableModel also handles the majority of the training process routine: training and validation steps, tensors device management, logging, and many more. Most of the training routines are inherited from :class:`~pytorch_lightning.LightningModule`, which is a direct ancestor of TrainableModel. To train a model you need to inherit it from TrainableModel and implement required methods and attributes. Minimal Example:: class ExampleModel(TrainableModel): def __init__(self, lr=10e-5, *args, **kwargs): = lr super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # backbone of the model def configure_encoders(self): return YourAwesomeEncoder() # top layer of the model def configure_head(self, input_embedding_size: int): return SkipConnectionHead(input_embedding_size) def configure_optimizers(self): return Adam(self.model.parameters(), def configure_loss(self): return ContrastiveLoss() """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) encoders = self.configure_encoders() self.cache_config: CacheConfig = self.configure_caches() or CacheConfig( cache_type=CacheType.NONE ) head = self.configure_head(SimilarityModel.get_encoders_output_size(encoders)) metrics = self.configure_metrics() self.attached_metrics: List[AttachedMetric] = ( [metrics] if isinstance(metrics, AttachedMetric) else metrics ) self._model = SimilarityModel(encoders=encoders, head=head) self._loss = self.configure_loss() self._xbm_config = self.configure_xbm() if self._xbm_config is not None: self._xbm_buffer = XbmBuffer( self._xbm_config, embedding_size=head.output_size )
[docs] def configure_metrics(self) -> Union[AttachedMetric, List[AttachedMetric]]: """Method to configure batch-wise metrics for a training process Use this method to attach batch-wise metrics to a training process. Provided metrics have to have similar to :class:`~quaterion.eval.pair.pair_metric.PairMetric` or :class:`` Returns: Union[:class:`~quaterion.eval.attached_metric.AttachedMetric`, List[:class:`~quaterion.eval.attached_metric.AttachedMetric`]] - metrics attached to the model Examples:: return [ AttachedMetric( "RetrievalPrecision", RetrievalPrecision(k=1), prog_bar=True, on_epoch=True, ), AttachedMetric( "RetrievalReciprocalRank", RetrievalReciprocalRank(), prog_bar=True, ), ] """ return []
def _evaluate( self, embeddings: Tensor, targets: Dict[str, Any], stage: TrainStage, ) -> None: """Method to calculate and log metrics, accumulate embeddings in estimators Calculate current stage and batch metrics Args: embeddings: current batch embeddings targets: objects to calculate labels for similarity samples stage: training, validation, etc. """ for metric in self.attached_metrics: if stage in metric.stages: self.log( f"{}_{stage}", metric.compute(embeddings, **targets), **metric.log_options, batch_size=embeddings.shape[0], ) @property def model(self) -> SimilarityModel: """Origin model to be trained Returns: :class:`~quaterion_models.model.SimilarityModel`: model to be trained """ return self._model @property def loss(self) -> SimilarityLoss: """Property to get the loss function to use.""" return self._loss
[docs] def configure_loss(self) -> SimilarityLoss: """Method to configure loss function to use.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def configure_encoders(self) -> Union[Encoder, Dict[str, Encoder]]: """Method to provide encoders configuration Use this function to define an initial state of encoders. This function should be used to assign initial values for encoders before training as well as during the checkpoint loading. Returns: Union[:class:`~quaterion_models.encoders.encoder.Encoder`, Dict[str, :class:`~quaterion_models.encoders.encoder.Encoder`]]: instance of encoder which will be assigned to :const:`~quaterion_models.model.DEFAULT_ENCODER_KEY`, or mapping of names and encoders. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def configure_caches(self) -> Optional[CacheConfig]: """Method to provide cache configuration Use this method to define which encoders should cache calculated embeddings and what kind of cache they should use. Returns: Optional[:class:`~quaterion.train.cache.cache_config.CacheConfig`]: cache configuration to be applied if provided, None otherwise. Examples: `Do not use cache (default)`:: return None `Configure cache automatically for all non-trainable encoders`:: return CacheConfig(CacheType.AUTO) `Specify cache type for each encoder individually`:: return CacheConfig(mapping={ "text_encoder": CacheType.GPU, # Store cache in GPU for `text_encoder` "image_encoder": CacheType.CPU # Store cache in RAM for `image_encoder` } ) `Specify key for cache object disambiguation`:: return CacheConfig( cache_type=CacheType.AUTO, key_extractors={"text_encoder": hash} ) This function might be useful if you want to provide some more sophisticated way of storing association between cached vectors and original object. Item numbers from dataset will be used by default if key is not specified. """ pass
[docs] def configure_head(self, input_embedding_size: int) -> EncoderHead: """Use this function to define an initial state for head layer of the model. Args: input_embedding_size: size of embeddings produced by encoders Returns: :class:`~quaterion_models.heads.encoder_head.EncoderHead`: head to be added on top of a model """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def configure_xbm(self) -> XbmConfig: """Method to enable and configure Cross-Batch Memory (XBM). XBM is a method relies on the idea of "slow drift" of embeddings in the course of training. It keeps recent `N` embeddings and target values in a ring buffer where `N` is much greater than the batch size. Then, it calculates a scaled loss with the values in this buffer and adds it to the regular loss. This enables to mine a large number of hard negatives. See the paper for more details: To enable it in a training process, you must return an instance of :class:`~quaterion.train.xbm.xbm_config.XbmConfig`. The default return value is `None`, i.e., no XBM applied. Note: XBM is currently supported only with :class:`~quaterion.loss.group_loss.GroupLoss` instances. """ pass
[docs] def process_results( self, embeddings: Tensor, targets: Dict[str, Any], batch_idx: int, stage: TrainStage, **kwargs, ): """Method to provide any additional evaluations of embeddings. Args: embeddings: shape: (batch_size, embedding_size) - model's output. targets: output of batch target collate. batch_idx: ID of the processing batch. stage: train, validation or test stage. """ pass
def training_step( self, batch: TensorInterchange, batch_idx: int, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """:meta private: Compute and return the training loss and some additional metrics for e.g. the progress bar or logger. Args: batch: Output of DataLoader. batch_idx: Integer displaying index of this batch. **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed into :meth:`~process_results` Returns: Tensor: computed loss value """ stage = TrainStage.TRAIN loss = self._common_step( batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage=stage, **kwargs ) return loss def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, **kwargs) -> Optional[Tensor]: """:meta private: Compute validation loss and some additional metrics for e.g. the progress bar or logger. Args: batch: Output of DataLoader. batch_idx: Integer displaying index of this batch. **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed into :meth:`~process_results` """ stage = TrainStage.VALIDATION self._common_step(batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage=stage, **kwargs) return None def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx, **kwargs) -> Optional[Tensor]: """:meta private: Compute test loss and some additional metrics for e.g. the progress bar or logger. Args: batch: Output of DataLoader. batch_idx: Integer displaying index of this batch. **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed into :meth:`~process_results` """ stage = TrainStage.TEST self._common_step(batch=batch, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage=stage, **kwargs) return None def _common_step(self, batch, batch_idx, stage: TrainStage, **kwargs) -> Tensor: """Common step to compute loss and metrics for training, validation, test and other stages. Args: batch: Output of DataLoader. batch_idx: Integer displaying index of this batch. stage: current training stage: training, validation, etc. **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed into :meth:`~process_results` Returns: Tensor: computed loss value """ features, targets = batch embeddings = self.model(features) loss = self.loss(embeddings=embeddings, **targets) loss = self._maybe_compute_xbm_loss(stage, loss, embeddings, targets) self.log(f"{stage}_loss", loss, batch_size=embeddings.shape[0]) self._evaluate( embeddings=embeddings, targets=targets, stage=stage, ) self.process_results( embeddings=embeddings, targets=targets, batch_idx=batch_idx, stage=stage, **kwargs, ) return loss def _maybe_compute_xbm_loss( self, stage: TrainStage, loss: Tensor, embeddings: Tensor, targets: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tensor: if ( stage == TrainStage.TRAIN and self._xbm_config is not None and self.trainer.global_step > self._xbm_config.start_iteration ): loss_obj = self.loss # Assign to tmp variable for better type inference if isinstance(loss_obj, GroupLoss): memory_embeddings, memory_groups = self._xbm_buffer.get() memory_loss = loss_obj.xbm_loss( embeddings, targets["groups"], memory_embeddings, memory_groups ) loss = loss + self._xbm_config.weight * memory_loss self._xbm_buffer.queue(embeddings.detach(), targets["groups"].detach()) else: raise NotImplementedError( "XBM is currently supported only with GroupLoss instances" ) return loss
[docs] def save_servable(self, path: str): """Save model for serving, independent of Pytorch Lightning Args: path: path to save to """ self.unwrap_cache()
def setup_cache( self, trainer: pl.Trainer, train_dataloader: SimilarityDataLoader, val_dataloader: Optional[SimilarityDataLoader], ): """:meta private: Prepares encoder's cache for faster training: - Replaces frozen encoders with cache Wrapper according to the cache configuration defined in :meth:`configure_caches`. - Fill cachable encoders with embeddings Args: trainer: Pytorch Lightning trainer object train_dataloader: train dataloader val_dataloader: validation dataloader Returns: `False`, if cache is already created or not required. `True`, if cache is newly created """ self.model.encoders = self._apply_cache_config( self.model.encoders, self.cache_config ) return self._cache( trainer=trainer, encoders=self.model.encoders, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, val_dataloader=val_dataloader, cache_config=self.cache_config, ) def unwrap_cache(self): """:meta private: Restore original encoders""" self.model.encoders = self._unwrap_cache_encoders(self.model.encoders)
[docs] def setup_dataloader(self, dataloader: SimilarityDataLoader): """Setup data loader for encoder-specific settings, Setup encoder-specific collate function Each encoder have its own unique way to transform a list of records into NN-compatible format. These transformations are usually done during data pre-processing step. """ encoder_collate_fns = dict( (key, encoder.get_collate_fn()) for key, encoder in self.model.encoders.items() ) meta_extractors = dict( (key, encoder.get_meta_extractor()) for key, encoder in self.model.encoders.items() ) collator = TrainCollator( pre_collate_fn=dataloader.collate_fn, encoder_collates=encoder_collate_fns, meta_extractors=meta_extractors, ) dataloader.collate_fn = collator


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