
Source code for

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from quaterion.distances import Distance
from quaterion.eval.accumulators import GroupAccumulator
from quaterion.eval.base_metric import BaseMetric

[docs]class GroupMetric(BaseMetric): """Base class for group metrics Args: distance_metric_name: name of a distance metric to calculate distance or similarity matrices. Available names could be found in :class:`~quaterion.distances.Distance`. Provides default implementations for distance and interaction matrices calculation. Accumulates embeddings and groups in an accumulator. """ def __init__( self, distance_metric_name: Distance = Distance.COSINE, ): super().__init__( distance_metric_name=distance_metric_name, ) self.accumulator = GroupAccumulator()
[docs] def update(self, embeddings: Tensor, groups: torch.LongTensor, device=None) -> None: """Process and accumulate batch Args: embeddings: embeddings to accumulate groups: groups to distinguish similar and dissimilar objects. device: device to store calculated embeddings and groups on. """ self.accumulator.update(embeddings, groups, device)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset accumulated embeddings, groups""" self.accumulator.reset()
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_labels(groups: Tensor): """Compute metric labels based on samples groups Args: groups: groups to distinguish similar and dissimilar objects Returns: target: torch.Tensor - labels to be used during metric computation """ group_matrix = groups.repeat(groups.shape[0], 1) # objects with the same groups are true, others are false group_mask = (group_matrix == groups.unsqueeze(1)).bool() # exclude obj group_mask[torch.eye(group_mask.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool)] = False return group_mask
[docs] def compute(self, embeddings: torch.Tensor, groups: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute metric value Args: embeddings: embeddings to calculate metrics on groups: groups to calculate labels Returns: torch.Tensor - computed metric """ labels, distance_matrix = self.precompute(embeddings, groups=groups) return self.raw_compute(distance_matrix, labels)
[docs] def evaluate(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Perform metric computation with accumulated state""" return self.compute(**self.accumulator.state)
[docs] def raw_compute( self, distance_matrix: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Perform metric computation on ready distance_matrix and labels This method does not make any data and labels preparation. It is assumed that `distance_matrix` has already been calculated, required changes such masking distance from an element to itself have already been applied and corresponding `labels` have been prepared. Args: distance_matrix: distance matrix ready to metric computation labels: labels ready to metric computation with the same shape as `distance_matrix`. Possible values are in {0, 1}. Returns: torch.Tensor - calculated metric value """ raise NotImplementedError()


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