.. Quaterion documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 17 16:24:11 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to Quaterion's documentation! ============================================ Quaterion is a framework for fine-tuning similarity learning models. The framework closes the "last mile" problem in training models for semantic search, recommendations, anomaly detection, extreme classification, matching engines, e.t.c. It is designed to combine the performance of pre-trained models with specialization for the custom task while avoiding slow and costly training. Features --------------- * 🌀 **Warp-speed fast**: With the built-in caching mechanism, Quaterion enables you to train thousands of epochs with huge batch sizes even on *laptop GPU*. * 🐈‍ **Small data compatible**: Pre-trained models with specially designed head layers allow you to benefit even from a dataset you can label *in one day*. * 🏗️ **Customizable**: Quaterion allows you to re-define any part of the framework, making it flexible even for large-scale and sophisticated training pipelines. * 🌌 **Scalable**: Quaterion is built on top of `PyTorch Lightning `_ and inherits all its scalability, cost-efficiency, and reliability perks. Install ======= TL;DR: For training: .. code-block:: bash pip install quaterion For inference service: .. code-block:: bash pip install quaterion-models Quaterion framework consists of two packages - `quaterion` and `quaterion-models `_. Since it is not always possible or convenient to represent a model in ONNX format (also, it **is supported**), the Quaterion keeps a very minimal collection of model classes, which might be required for model inference, in a `separate package `_. It allows avoiding installing heavy training dependencies into inference infrastructure: `pip install quaterion-models` At the same time, once you need to have a full arsenal of tools for training and debugging models, it is available in one package: `pip install quaterion` Next Steps ========== .. raw:: html .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Getting Started getting_started/why_quaterion getting_started/quick_start .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Tutorials tutorials/tutorials tutorials/cache_tutorial tutorials/nlp_tutorial tutorials/cars-tutorial tutorials/head_layers_skip_connection tutorials/embedding_confidence tutorials/triplet_loss_trick .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Quaterion API api/index quaterion Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`